On Wednesday November 05 2003 07:42 am, you wrote:
> Stephen Carville wrote:
> > chena:/db/nt-backups/bering      1 [dumps way too big, must skip
> > incremental dumps]
> >
> > Now, if I am requesting always full, I should never see an incremental.
> > Right?
> The message actually means something like:  "even an incremental one is
> too large".
> > Secondly what does the message mean?  The file sizes are no larger than
> > usual.  The particuar one above is only about 5.3G.  Also, the amuont of
> > data written to tape is consistent with the backup being done
> > sucessfully.
> What is your tapesize set to?  The size of that particular DLE is maybe
> not enough, but the total sum of data is.  In the amdump file you
> can follow what planner thinks about the estimated sizes.
>  From the name of the DLE, I guess it is a backup of some NT already, so
> probably the contents do change almost completely.  Therefore an
> incremental or full would be about the same size.

Yeah.  They're files from Backup Exec.

Turns out what happened was I recently switched from using AIT1 tapes for the 
NT backups to AIT2 tapes.  However, I left the tapetype set at AIT1.  Once 
the backups got loo large for 2 AIT1 tapes  (runtapes = 2) amandam truied to 
get clever. :-)  I've changed the tapetype to AIT2 so everything should be OK 
from now on.

Thanks to everyone who answered.

Stephen Carville http://www.heronforge.net/~stephen/gnupgkey.txt
Right wing socialists hate privacy as much as left wing socialists hate guns.

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