Stephen Walton wrote:

I'm guessing from the responses I'm getting that no one else on the list is even trying to use a changer directly from amrecover? I know a lot of you have changers; is everyone else simply manually using amtape to load the appropriate tape? I suppose if you have multiple changer cartridges this is a low priority item, since you probably have to swap cartridges to do a restore anyway. But what about those of you with robots?

Which version are you using? There was a bug in 2.4.4p1 that was fixed in the snapshot beginning July (and all later snapshots)

As a workaround you need to specify the "amrecover_check_label yes" in
your config file.


with patch:

Get a recent snapshots from:

(Snapshots contain only bugfixes; yes, they are reliable and stable.)

Paul @ Home

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