Hi, Zoltan,

on Dienstag, 11. November 2003 at 17:22 you wrote to amanda-users:

ZK> I'm trying to backup a home partition with amanda under Sun Solaris 9 with
ZK> Amanda version 2.4.4p1:

ZK> Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
ZK> /dev/md/dsk/d0         102G    50G    51G    50%    /home

ZK> which contains a lot of i-nodes:

ZK> Filesystem             iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
ZK> /dev/md/dsk/d0       2932711 9923481    23%   /home

ZK> I can write it to tape in ~5-6 hours using plain gtar but amanda seems to
ZK> be busy for several hours (10+) without writing anything to tape. Is there
ZK> a workaround to get the partition backed up? Why amanda is so slow? Is it
ZK> related to the number of i-nodes or the size of the partition?

I donīt know why you think of i-nodes in this case.

Please tell us more about your amanda.conf, disklist and stuff. Also
tell us if your Amanda-setup works for other disks.

Do you use a holdingdisk?

More infos will help us to help you.

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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