On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 08:50:58PM +0100, Zoltan Kato wrote:
> Looks like the estimate has timed out after a 1/2 hour. I do not know why
> estimation takes so long. What is more interesting: after amdump has
> finished there is still a gtar process running:

You mentioned, I think, that this is a file system with 2M inodes
(files and directories) consumed.

FWIW, my experience on Solaris 8 ufs with inode counts around 1M, and
GNU tar 1.13.19/1.13.25, is that estimates are very slow.  The backup
is slow, too, but you only do that once-- estimates (always?
typically?) run 3X for level 0 and two levels of incremental.

I changed to ufsdump because of this.

I assume the --listed-incremental functionality is the "problem", but
don't know if it is a bug or a feature, or what.

Make sure that nothing (or as close to nothing as possible) is
competing with amanda for disk arm movement; I had etimeout and
dtimeout problems with amanda once, but only on Saturday night; there
was a weekly 'find / -name core' type job running at the same time, and
the contention for disk resources was killing both jobs.

Jay Lessert                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Accelerant Networks Inc.                       (voice)1.503.439.3461
Beaverton OR, USA                                (fax)1.503.466.9472

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