Hi all,

I checked the archives on this problem... but they all suggested to
adjust the chunksize of my holdingdisk section in my amanda.conf.
However, I have ver. 2.4.1, and there's no "holdingdisk" section IN my
amanda.conf! Is the chunksize the problem? I've got filesystems MUCH
larger than this one going to AMANDA... but if so, How do I adjust my

Here's from my error log:
/-- xxx    /services lev 0 FAILED ["data write: File too large"]
sendbackup: start [xxx:/services level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end

The example.conf for the latest version has some section like:
holdingdisk hd1 {
        comment "blah"
        directory "/dumps/amanda"
        use 256 Mb
        chunksize 1Gb

BUT My amanda.conf has NO section similar to this. I just have:

diskdir "/dumps/disk1"
disksize 4000 mb

So I guess my questions for the gurus are: Is the chunksize the problem?
If so, how do I change it with this version? If not, is it just some
really huge file? (I am going to check on this after sending this

Wayne Byarlay        
Purdue Libraries ITD 

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