Hi, Brian,

on Donnerstag, 22. Jänner 2004 at 16:44 you wrote to amanda-users:

BC> er, global-dumptype ?

BC> I extracted a few, I can send the complete list but I'm not
BC> seeing a default prototype.

Have you ever looked at a current amanda.conf (2.4.4p2-tarball for
example) ?

BC> From amanda.conf

BC> diskdir "/amanda/work"          # where the holding disk is
BC> disksize 70000 MB               # we have a 36g disk for amanda.... -ck
BC>                                 # 01-15-04 added 72 gb disk -ck

What are these parameters? I don't know them ...

A working holdingdisk section would be:

> holdingdisk hd1 {
>     comment "main holding disk"
>     directory "/home/amanda/work"
>     use 70Gb
>     chunksize 1Gb
>     }

To use a [global]-section you have to create one:

> define dumptype global {
>     index yes
>     holdingdisk yes
>     maxdumps 4   # <---- added the maxdumps to global !
>     program "GNUTAR"
> }

Where did you add the maxdumps?

Then you can refer to the global-dumptype in your other dumptypes:

BC> define dumptype comp-user {
BC>     global
BC>     comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines"
BC>     options compress-fast
BC>     priority medium
BC> }

BC> define dumptype comp-root {
BC>     global
BC>     comment "Root partitions with compression"
BC>     options compress-fast
BC>     priority low
BC> }

Should work out.

Please read a current amanda.conf and adjust your settings.
It's definitely worth the effort.

Seems you have a pretty old one ...

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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