I currently use CHS with solaris (all versions 2.6 -> 2.8) ... but as I have
been discussing with the list ....  I only have binaries to run it in 32bit
mode. I can keep you posted Glenn on what I change to ..... I have had
a quick look at MTX and I am still trying to find "chg-scsi"!

Chs works well ... and if I had a preference I would continue using it as
our amanda setup with CHS has worked fine for 5 years .... but no-one
seems to have the source code for a recompile into 64bit mode .... so
I'll start looking at these others.

Let you know how I go.

Glenn Zenker wrote:

> I'm running Solaris 8, a Powerstor L200 with Amanda version 2.4.4p2.  I
> compiled the software on the machine.  It is a scsi tape changer.
> Thanks
> Christoph Scheeder wrote:
> > Hi,
> > first: please keep this task on the list, it gives other people the
> > posibility to jump in and correct me if i tell you something wrong....
> >
> > I guess this is a scsi-tapechanger, correct? then you have a few
> > possibilities to get the robot moving:
> > chg-scsi, mtx, and possibly more, i don't know all the free available
> > tools to make tape robots move, espacialy for solaris as i am using
> > linux on all my servers and i opperate my tapechanger all with chg-scsi.
> >
> > so now we are at the point where one of the solaris-people here on the
> > list should jump in to help you further, but the need a little more info
> > on your problem likthe exact type of your changer, which version of
> > amanda you use, if you compiled it your self etc.
> >
> > Christoph
> >
> > Glenn Zenker schrieb:
> >
> >> Thanks, that is a big help!  I'll switch to another script and see
> >> what happens.
> >>
> >> Do you know if Amanda can move the robot??  Currently, the only
> >> software we have works through a webpage.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Glenn
> >>
> >>
> >> Christoph Scheeder wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>> You have configured amanda to use chg-multi as changer script.
> >>> i don't think this is what you want. chg-multi is used with
> >>> multiple tapedrives to form a virtual tape-robot.
> >>> use one of the other chg-scripts, depending on which software
> >>> you use to move your robot.
> >>> Christoph
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Glenn Zenker schrieb:
> >>>
> >>>> I have amanda installed when I run the following command as the user
> >>>> amanda
> >>>>
> >>>> /usr/local/sbin/amverify DailySet1 0
> >>>>
> >>>> I get this:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Tapes:
> >>>> Errors found:
> >>>> amtape: could not load slot 1: chg-multi: slot is empty
> >>>>
> >>>> amverify DailySet1
> >>>> Thu Mar  4 13:18:52 EST 2004
> >>>>
> >>>> Loading 1 slot...
> >>>> ** Error loading slot 1
> >>>> amtape: could not load slot 1: chg-multi: slot is empty
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> If anyone can lend a hand with how they configured their L200, that
> >>>> would be greatly appreciated.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> >

geoffs :-)
Geoff Swavley                       Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 "Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs
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