Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 at 9:40am, Geoff Swavley wrote
> > I currently use CHS with solaris (all versions 2.6 -> 2.8) ... but as I have
> > been discussing with the list ....  I only have binaries to run it in 32bit
> > mode. I can keep you posted Glenn on what I change to ..... I have had
> > a quick look at MTX and I am still trying to find "chg-scsi"!
> chg-scsi is the direct SCSI changer script that is part of amanda.
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University


geoffs :-)

Geoff Swavley                       Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX Sys Admin                      Snail : Level 8, 10 Valentine Ave,
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                                            Phone : 61-2-98957125                 Fax   : 61-2-98957086
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  "Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at women
   and persuade themselves they have a better idea." - John Ciardi

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