Hi, Patrick,

on Sonntag, 30. Mai 2004 at 16:09 you wrote to amanda-users:

PJL> You do not need to stop Exchange. ....

First: Thank you for all your suggestions, I will have a close look at
all these tips ASAP.

PJL> The "Deleted Item Recovery" mitigates the problem somewhat. It works
PJL> by having the server not actually delete anything until a few weeks
PJL> after the user empties the trash.  See
PJL> <http://support.microsoft.com/?id=228934>.  (Assuming people actually
PJL> use the trash; see <http://support.microsoft.com/?id=178630>.)

I have to look at the habits of the clients users ...

PJL> Also, you do not always have to dump one big dumpfile.  Windows Backup
PJL> supports incremental backups, which dump everything that changed since
PJL> the previous dump.  This works with Exchange because the server uses a
PJL> database for everything, and the incremental backups dump just the
PJL> transaction logs and not the entire database.

AFAIK they have tried to follow the rule "the best backup is a full
backup" until now.

PJL> So, here is what I did.

PJL> First, I set aside a nice big partition to hold the dump files.

PJL> Next, I configured Windows Backup to do a full backup every Saturday
PJL> evening and an incremental backup each other night of the week.  This
PJL> requires going through the GUI wizard seven times, in order to
PJL> configure the distinct file names and weekday for each backup.

Just to get that clear: this tool does the dumps to disk ...

PJL> (Aside: You might be able to use the command-line ntbackup to write
PJL> your own automation scripts; see
PJL> But I figured if I ever wanted to hand this off to a "certified
PJL> Exchange(R) Administrator(TM)", I should use Microsoft's built-in GUI
PJL> tools as much as possible.)


PJL> Finally, I used Amanda's SMB support to back up the dump files.  The
PJL> only problem is that my main database file is now bigger than 2G...
PJL> Which reminds me, I really ought to do something about that.  Like get
PJL> rid of Exchange.

PJL> If you keep Exchange, I strongly recommend running the Microsoft
PJL> Baseline Security Analyzer
PJL> (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/tools/mbsahome.mspx)
PJL> frequently to keep up-to-date with security patches.  Be careful about
PJL> the MBSA's other suggestions, though, since some of the changes it
PJL> recommends to lock down IIS (like, say, running the "IIS lockdown
PJL> tool") will break Outlook Web Access.  Ask me how I know.

How do you know?

PJL> I am pretty sure Outlook 2002 and 2003 have better IMAP support than
PJL> their predecessors, for what it is worth.

PJL> Good luck!

Thanks a lot !

PJL>  - Pat
PJL>    http://unattended.sourceforge.net/

PJL> P.S.  Oh look, I found my Exchange notes.  Below is the section I
PJL> wrote on backups.  Let me know if you are interested in the rest of my
PJL> notes.

PJL> Backups
PJL> =======

PJL> Read <http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=258243>.

PJL> Configure backups.  Do "mkdir e:\backup", which is where we will keep
PJL> our backup dumps.

PJL> Share the e:\backup folder as a share named "backup".

Go to Start ->> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup.

PJL> Select "Schedule Jobs" then click "Add Job".  In the Wizard, choose to
PJL> backup selected items.  Expand "Microsoft Exchange Server ->
PJL> DARKSEID", and check "Microsoft Information Store".  For the Backup
PJL> File name, use E:\backup\xchgfull.bkf.  Select "Normal" for type of
PJL> backup operation.  Do not bother to verify backup (because it is going
PJL> to disk).  Choose to "Replace" (not append) the data on the media with
PJL> the backup.  Use "Exchange full dump" for the label.  Schedule the job
PJL> to run every Saturday at 8 P.M.

PJL> Repeat the process, but use E:\backup\xchgsun.bkf for the file name,
PJL> "Incremental" for the type, and "Sunday incremental" for the label.
PJL> Schedule the job to run every Sunday at 8 P.M.

PJL> Repeat for Monday through Friday incrementals.


thx again ...

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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