On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 06:58:19PM -0300, Fernan Aguero wrote:
> +----[ Paul Bijnens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (09.Oct.2004 16:08):
> |
> | Fernan Aguero wrote:
> | >The problem is that amanda it's always failing to estimate
> | >the size for this disklist entry (DLE).
> | >
> | >This is from log.20041008.0
> | >FAIL planner pi /scratch 20041008 0 [disk /scratch, all estimate failed]
> Hi Paul!
> I still have the problem, but seems you hit the point by
> suggesting me to lool under this file:
> | What is in the debug file on the client 
> | /tmp/amanda/sendsize.DATESTAMP.debug ?
> ...
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.668: calculating for amname '/scratch', dirname 
> '/scratch', spindle 2
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.668: getting size via gnutar for /scratch level 0
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.684: spawning /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar in 
> pipeline
> sendsize[20790]: argument list: /usr/local/bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null 
> --directory /scratch --one-file-system --listed-incremental 
> /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/pi_scratch_0.new --sparse 
> --ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from 
> /tmp/amanda/sendsize._scratch.20041012005329.exclude .
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.709: runtar: error [must be invoked by operator]
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.711: 
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: .....
> sendsize[20790]: estimate time for /scratch level 0: 0.028
> sendsize[20790]: no size line match in /usr/local/bin/gtar output for "/scratch"
> sendsize[20790]: .....
> sendsize[20790]: estimate size for /scratch level 0: -1 KB
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: waiting for /usr/local/bin/gtar "/scratch" child
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: after /usr/local/bin/gtar "/scratch" wait
> sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: done with amname '/scratch', dirname '/scratch', 
> spindle 2
> sendsize[20728]: time 508.714: child 20790 terminated normally
> ...
> So it seems that there is a problem with the user/group
> and/or privileges ... i
> this also happens when I manually run the runtar executable
> with a similar command line (I must su to operator, amanda
> or root will not work). 
> this is the /scratch partition:
> pi# ls -ld /scratch/
> drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel  512 Oct 12 11:57 /scratch/
> this is the gnutar executable
> pi# ls -l /usr/local/bin/gtar
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  162212 Jul  5 11:42 /usr/local/bin/gtar
> this is the runtar executable
> pi# ls -l /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar 
> -r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  4636 Sep 28 12:22 /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar
> amanda has been compiled with user=amanda, and the group has
> been left to the default (operator).
> The disk /scratch is actually /dev/ad2c:
> pi# ls -l /dev/ad2c 
> crw-r-----  2 root  operator  116,  18 Sep 20 19:09 /dev/ad2c
> Clearly the problem is that when running as amanda, the
> runtar program exits, saying that we need to run as
> 'operator' ... maybe I missed something obvious in my setup?
> | How long did it take?
> When I manually run runtar? Less than 15 seconds (this is
> sending output to /dev/null).
> | Not completely clear from your post: did other DLE's on the same host
> | did get a good estimate?  Do they use dump instead of tar?
> yes, and they all use dump. This is the only DLE that uses
> tar.
> | When running "runtar" by hand on the client, did you run that as user
> | amanda or user root?
> |
> +----]
> No, as I said above none of this would let me do the
> estimate. I needed to su -m operator before running runtar.
> Where should I look? ...

My guess is an incorrect installation.
runtar is supposed to be installed, as are several other
executables, owned by root and setuid'ed.

This should have been done automatically IF you had done,
as root, the "make install".

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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