On Wednesday 13 October 2004 10:42, Fernan Aguero wrote:
>+----[ Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (12.Oct.2004 19:21):
>| > this is the runtar executable
>| > pi# ls -l /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar
>| > -r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  4636 Sep 28 12:22
>| > /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar
>| My guess is an incorrect installation.
>| runtar is supposed to be installed, as are several other
>| executables, owned by root and setuid'ed.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I guess that my runtar is owned
>by root, and has the setuid bit set (see above).
>Perhaps it should be owned by operator and setuid'ed?
>I tried it. Now running runtar as user amanda does not
>produce the previous error (must be run as operator), but
>this one:
>runtar: open debug directory "/tmp/amanda": Permission denied
>And this is what the privileges for this directory looks like:
>pi# ls -ld /tmp/amanda/
>drwx--S---  2 amanda  operator  9728 Oct 12 18:54 /tmp/amanda/
>| This should have been done automatically IF you had done,
>| as root, the "make install".
>I did the installation as root, of course. I'm not using the
>amanda sources 'as is', however, but through the added layer
>of the FreeBSD ports system. I doubt this can cause any
>trouble, I've already checked the port's Makefile and it is
>not overriding amanda's 'install' target ... it is just
>setting some default configure options ...
>Again, thanks for your help,

Let me point out that amanda, when the install is done in the 
recommended way, is built by an unpriviledged user such as the user 
'amanda', and that the user amanda belongs to a high priority group 
such as 'disk'.  Its ./configured & built by this unpriviledged user, 
and then installed by root.  Otherwise the perms will wind up being 
fubar,  leading to problems that walk and quack pretty much like this 
duck.  Maybe BSD has some other things it does too, but I recall the 
headline on the service/owners manual of one of the first 1/4" reel 
to reel audio tape recorders ever sold to the hi-fi enthusiasts, the 
Bell TR-7 from back in about 1954 or so that proclaimed "Please try 
our way first!"

In fonts about 6 points bigger than anything else on the front 
cover...  One of those things that strikes one as so funny it sticks 
with you for the next 50 years. :-)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.27% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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Copyright 2004 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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