Here's the version of amanda on both the client and the server:

Client amanda version:
rpm -qa |grep amanda

Server amanda version:
rpm -qa |grep amanda

As I mentioned in my previous reply, the client is running Red Hat Workstation
2.1 and the server is running Red Hat 9.

I would like to use the directory method versus device; I would appreciate an
example or excert of one to verify that I've set the definitions properly.

I also looked at the debug logs on the client and the same indications are

thanks for the help everyone!

Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 at 10:11pm, James Marcinek wrote
> > Finally doing the backups. This is my first run and it's on a client. I'm
> > a problem backup up the / partition (/dev/hde5). Here's the line in the
> > 
> > FAIL planner domino /dev/hde5 20041102 0 [disk /dev/hde5 offline on domino?]
> What OS and OS version is the client, and what version of amanda?  Also, 
> as someone pointed out, it makes a lot more sense (especially with tar) to 
> use directory names rather than device names.
> I vaguely recall some versions of amanda having issues with root 
> partitions on Linux.  So, if you're running Linux, make sure you're 
> running the most recent version of amanda.
> -- 
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

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