Greetings - I'm just starting to get Amanda set up.  I have a 5-tape
DLT7000 changer.  I've been going back and forth about how to
structure my backup policies.

The amount of data that will be being backed up is around 10 gigs. 
The DLTIV tapes I'm using should hold around 30 gigs, according to
amtapetype.  I have a ton of tapes to work with - approximately 80
tapes.  Because of the relatively small amount of data I'm working
with and the large number of tapes, I figure that I might as well do a
full backup every night.  Would this make sense?

That's my first question.  My second question is how to implement this
in my amanda.conf.  I believe the following should be correct, but I
wanted to run it by the list to see if there are any improvements:

dumpcycle 1 day
runspercycle 1 day
tapecycle 28 days

If I'm thinking correctly, this will force Amanda to do a full backup
every night, and I'll have 28 days worth of full backups in the cycle.

Any suggestions?  Thanks!

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