On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 at 9:43pm, Michael J. Pawlowsky wrote

> I keep getting pernission denied while trying to backup a logical volume 
> in Fedora Core 3.
> The problem is that udev is creating the dev as owner root.root with 600 
> permissions.
> I added in /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions the line:
> mapper/*:root:disk:0660
> There are 2 files in /dev/mapper:
> control
> vg00-lvroot (my lv for the / partition)
> The control file (which I don't really care about the permissions) 
> changed to owner "root" group "disk" with 0660. So I know my entry in 
> the permissions file is ok.
> But the lv "vg00-lvroot" still has owner "root" group "root" and 
> permissions of "0600".
> So everytime I reboot I need to change the group to disk and permissions 
> to 0660 to allow amanda to back up the disk.
> Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

I know nothing of LVM, but I think it should still work.  What backup tool 
are you using (dump or tar)?  If tar, amanda runs it via the setuid root 
'runtar' wrapper, so tar will run as root.  amcheck may well fail, IIRC, 
but amdump should actually work.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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