Hello, guys, 
I've been asking about the "retry behavior" and how to delay the dumps about 
couple days ago. Dump delaying conf. command worked (somewhat - as far as dump 
delaying goes ;) ), but it does not seem to solve the problem - we still have 2 
FS failing, because of "No space left", and only 2 tapes actually used (with 4 

I checked the amdump file for what was going on and here is the related section 
of it: 
driver: dumping host:hercules directly to tape
driver: send-cmd time 34444.553 to taper: PORT-WRITE 00-00029 host fffff
eff9ffe7f hercules 0 20050901
taper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
taper: stream_server: waiting for connection:
driver: result time 34444.553 from taper: PORT 33378
driver: send-cmd time 34444.553 to dumper0: PORT-DUMP 00-00029 33378 host
fffffeff9ffe7f hercules NODEVICE 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 GNUTAR
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx -slot current
changer: got exit: 0 str: 2 /dev/nst0
taper: slot 2: date 20050901 label weekly2 (active tape)
changer: opening pipe to: /usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx -slot next
changer: got exit: 0 str: 3 /dev/nst0
taper: slot 3: date X        label weekly3 (new tape)
taper: read label `weekly3' date `X'
taper: wrote label `weekly3' date `20050901'
dumper: kill index command
driver: result time 39992.417 from dumper0: FAILED 00-00029 ["data write: 
Connection reset by peer"]
driver: result time 39992.417 from taper: TRY-AGAIN 00-00029 [writing file: No 
space left on device]
driver: error time 39992.429 serial gen mismatch
so, AMANDA advanced to the next tape, the taper request to retry was actually 
made, but "serial gen mismatch" has happend. 

I searched google for the phrase - and did not find anything helpful about this 
Does anybody know what is this error means and how to deal with it? 

Also, I'm positive, that we had enough space for holding disk to hold this 
particuar FS. Why did it start "directly to tape" (log's the very first line)? 


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