On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 09:53:26AM +0100, Montagni, Giovanni wrote:
> I have a problem with tapelist file (shown below)
> 20051123 bkalfa-all07 reuse
> 20051123 bkalfa-all06 reuse
> 20051116 bkalfa-all04 reuse
> 20051110 bkalfa-all03 reuse
> 20051110 bkalfa-all02 reuse
> 20051109 bkalfa-all00 reuse
> 0 bkalfa-all05 reuse
> 0 bkalfa-all01 reuse

Please note that it is YOU, you as a human,
that has a problem with this.  Amanda cares
nothing about the number sequence being in
order.  However, most of your tapes are in
numeric sequence and the two out of sequence
are unused, "new" in amanda terminology.

> As you can see, during the next run amanda expect to use the tapes
> labelled bkalfa-all01 - bkalfa-all05 (i have runtapes = 2 with
> chg-manual).
> There's a way to force amanda to use tape in the order shown below?
> I have tapecycle = 8 but i've also tried with a lower value (4 or less)
> and nothing has changed, amadmin claim that amanda want tapes labelled
> bkalfa-all01 - bkalfa-all05.

Leave your tapecycle at 4, or at least below 7.
That will allow amanda to use tape 00 (it is
the olded "used" tape within the cycle) and it
will always accept a "new" tape.  Amanda requires
"new" tapes up to the tapecycle, but after it is
reached, it will reuse the oldest used, or a new
tape.  So after it uses tape 00 tonight, present
it with tape new tape 01.

Then let it use tape 02 and tape 03 the next run
of amdump.  And finally, after tape 04 is used,
present next tape 05.

After that you can reset tapecycle to 8 or leave
it at the lower setting.  You can cycle more, but
not less, than tapecycle tapes.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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