On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 09:53:26AM +0100, Montagni, Giovanni enlightened us:
> I have a problem with tapelist file (shown below)
> 20051123 bkalfa-all07 reuse
> 20051123 bkalfa-all06 reuse
> 20051116 bkalfa-all04 reuse
> 20051110 bkalfa-all03 reuse
> 20051110 bkalfa-all02 reuse
> 20051109 bkalfa-all00 reuse
> 0 bkalfa-all05 reuse
> 0 bkalfa-all01 reuse

------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------

> This is not an "ordered" tapelist file (as i want, to make tape changing
> every night more simple).

What's more simple than putting in the tapes amcheck lists in the e-mail to
you? Amanda has no concept of order.

> I have tapecycle = 8 but i've also tried with a lower value (4 or less)
> and nothing has changed, amadmin claim that amanda want tapes labelled
> bkalfa-all01 - bkalfa-all05.

That said, it looks like you could do the following:

* Change your tapecycle to something low. 4 should be fine.
* On your next run, bkalfa-all00 should be "old" enough to be used again.
  Put bkalfa-all00 and bkalfa-all01 in the drive.
* On the next run, use bkalfa-all02 and bkalfa-all03
* On the next run, use bkalfa-all04 and bkalfa-all05
* Return your tapecycle to 8, continue life as normal


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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