stan schrieb:


So the consensus seems to be get the higher powerd CPU unit, even though
it's SATA vs SCSI for the other one.

BTW, the machines in question are the top end of each of these 2 product
lines. So it is a dual core versus single core choice.

Errm ..

Sorry, if I don't have the whole thread in my *stack* now:

Read something about 100MHz-clients etc.

My suggestion:

Combine many DLEs with dumptypes like "compress client fast/best" with a AMANDA-server that is capable to store all those DLEs on its holdingdisk(s).

For 100MHz-clients I assume that any of your mentioned choices would suffice, with proper AMANDA-setup given.

IMO it will do NO DIFFERENCE choosing dual- vs. single-core-CPU here.


I think we would need more background-information here:

Why do you think you need a stronger CPU?

Won't different DLE-definitions help here?
What are your overall dumpsizes right now?
What limits do you hit?


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