On Wednesday, 08.03.2006 at 07:35 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

> >On the client being backed-up:
> >
> >$ tar --version
> >
> >tar (GNU tar) 1.14
> We believe this version of tar is borked.  Please get the older
> 1.13-19, 1.13-25, or the newer 1.15-1.  For whatever reason, 1.14 was
> only visible on gnu.org for about 5 or 6 weeks, being replaced with
> 1.15-1, which for gnu.org, considering the speed they normally run at,
> is instantainious.  I've been running 1.15-1 since about a week after
> it became available without problems.

Interesting.  Do you think that the behaviour I'm seeing is solely as a
result of 'tar' here?

Is the behaviour I describe something that you believe *should* *not*
happen with AMANDA when using 'tar'?

This package of 'tar' is the current default in Debian/Sarge and is
updated with various security issues without changing the version
number, so it's not entirely clear what version is really there under
the hood.

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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