On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 01:36:58PM +0100, listrcv enlightened us:
> Paul Bijnens wrote:
> >Try this:
> >
> >prometheus   /home/ALL_a   /home  {
> >                                          tar-dfault-no-x
> >                      include "./a*"
> >                  }  1
> >prometheus   /home/ALL_b   /home  {
> >                      tar-dfault-no-x
> >                      include "./b*"
> >                  }  1
> >... etc etc ...
> >prometheus   /home/ALL_z   /home  {
> >                      tar-dfault-no-x
> >                      include "./z*"
> >                  }  1
> >prometheus   /home/REST    /home  {
> >                      tar-dfault-no-x
> >                      exclude append "./[a-z]*"
> >                   }  1
> The following does _not_ work as it should:
> prometheus      /share_dbvnr /share {
>   tar-dfault
>   include "./db-vnr"
> }       1
> prometheus      /share_edv /share {
>   tar-dfault
>   include "./edv"
> }       1
> prometheus      /share_programs /share {
>   tar-dfault
>   include "./programs"
> }       1
> prometheus      /share_rest /share {
>   tar-dfault
>   exclude append "./cpc ./cs ./data ./db-vnr ./edv ./programs"
> }       1
> It will dump the subdirectories as specified, but excluding the 
> subdirectories results in another dump of everything under /share which 
> I don't want because it will no longer fit on a single tape soon.
> This is probably because tar is being told to archive /share and to 
> exclude the directories listed which will result in archieving them 
> nonetheless, exactly as it was in the testing of tar options I did 
> yesterday.
> How do I catch the rest?
> It does work for backing up /home:
> [...]
> prometheus /home_y /home {
>   tar-dfault
>   include "./y*"
> }       1
> prometheus /home_z /home {
>   tar-dfault
>   include "./z*"
> }       1
> prometheus /home_rest /home {
>   tar-dfault
>   exclude append "./[a-z]*"
> }       1
> How comes that it works for /home but not for /share? I have stopped 
> using wildcards on /share because I'm getting
> dumper: FATAL error [dumper PORT-DUMP: too many args: 19 != 12]
> in the report. My idea was that spaces in filenames give me trouble, but 
> not using wildcards didn't help neither the problem with the number of 
> arguments, nor dumping /share twice.
> How can I find out what causes the problem with the arguments?
> GH

I'd look at the sendsize.* files on the server. The .debug will show you the
tar commands being run, the .include and .exclude files will show you the
contents of the includes/excludes. See if you can track down the difference.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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