
I have recently configured Amanda to backup our data.  I am now trying to
restore some of the data that I have backed up, and I am having problems
doing so.  The client and server are the same machine. I have chg-manual
configured so that the first and last slot are both 1. I am running
amrecover as root. I am guessing that its because the changer think that it
needs a different tape, but I cannot work out why.

Any suggestions?

amrecover> [cut]
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nsa0 on host
The following tapes are needed: backup-1

Restoring files into directory /usr/recover
Continue [?/Y/n]? Y

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nsa0 on host
Load tape backup-1 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/t]? Y
EOF, check amidxtaped.<timestamp>.debug file on
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Continue [?/Y/n/r]?

# ammt -f /dev/nsa0 status
/dev/nsa0 status: ONLINE ds == 0x0001 er == 0x0000

# amtape backup reset
changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 /dev/nsa0
amtape: changer is reset, slot 1 is loaded.

## this is from /tmp/Amanda/amidxtaped....
Looking for tape backup-1...
changer: got exit: 0 str: 0 1 1
changer_query: changer return was 1 1
changer_query: searchable = 0
changer_find: looking for backup-1 changer is searchable = 0
changer: got exit: 2 str: /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual: cannot
create /dev/tty: Device not configured
amidxtaped: could not load slot /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual::
cannot create /dev/tty: Device not configured
amidxtaped: time 0.186: could not load slot
/usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual:: cannot create /dev/tty: Device not
amidxtaped: time 0.186: pid 5948 finish time Mon Jul 10 23:01:39 2006

## This is from the changer.debug
MT -> /usr/local/amanda/sbin/ammt -f
DD -> /usr/local/amanda/sbin/amdd
Args -> -slot next
     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
/dev/nsa0 rewind failed: Permission denied
     -> status /dev/nsa0
/dev/nsa0 status failed: Permission denied
     -> loaded <>


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