> >
> > What they definitely need to know is which tapes are to be pulled off.
> > All the tapes in the changer will have a bar code label. Can I instruct
> > Amanda to send an email with which tapes have been used for a determined
> > backup (the full weekly off-site, in this case) so that the people there
> > will have an idea of which tapes need to be substituted?
> How about two Amanda configs "daily" and "archive", with "labelstr"
> different for each of them (reg.exp. like: "Newbay-Daily[0-9]*" and
> "[Newbay-Archive[0-9]*").  And then just write that label on the sticker
> too, readable by a human.
> Then just the tapes labeled "*Archive*" need to be pulled out...

That's what I'm trying to say in my bad English ;-)

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