Dominik Schips wrote:
> Hello,
> Am Dienstag, den 31.10.2006, 08:12 +1300 schrieb Steve Wray:
>> Hi there,
>> My amanda backup scripts do an amverifyrun after every run.
>> One of our backup sets is on a tape changer.
> Sorry for the questinon, but I also have a tape changer.
> How do you do the amverifyrun after the backup if the backup used 2
> tapes?

It never uses 2 tapes.

> Do you have a special script for this or is this possible with
> amverifyrun by default?
> How can I check my tapes after a backup?
> I was thinking I can do this with a script grapping for the last used
> tapes in the disklist file.
> But if someone else know a better solution, please let me know.

amverifyrun is supposed to 'know' which tape was used last based on the
log files.

Looking at the man page again though I have to say I am a little
dubious. It seems awfuly lacking in clarity or, well, any information at
all really.

> Thank you for every help.
>> Recently, amverifyrun appears to have been getting 'stuck', verifying
>> the same tape over and over again regardless of which tape was actually
>> used in the last backup run.
>> Most recently its become stuck on a tape which has not yet been used in
>> amanda (labelled, never written to) resulting in some very amusing output...
>> Any suggestions on how to unstick it?
>> Thanks!
> Best regards
> Dominik Schips

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