I had some headaches switching to SSH.  The good news is that I
succeeded eventually and that it was well worth the trouble.  When
amdump fails, it is remarkably unhelpful, and as far as can be told,
it's a timeout problem.  But it's *not* a timeout problem.

If you really want to know what's going wrong with your SSH-mediated
amdump invocations, do this:

* On the amanda client machine, as super-user, stop the sshd daemon.

* One the amanda client machine, as super-user, run the sshd daemon
  interactively, with the -d option, in a terminal window.

* Now run amdump on the amanda host machine and see what is reported
  by your ssh -d process on the client.

What I found was that the amanda host machine was identifying itself
in a way that I didn't expect, and that the amanda client machine
didn't know about that name for that host.  It was easy to fix, but it
was impossible to debug except via the above-described technique.  You
may have this problem, or other problems, but ssh -d will tell you all
you need to know.  FYI, here is an entry for user "amanda" on one of
my amanda client machines as found in its
/home/amanda/.ssh/authorized_keys file:

 -auth=ssh amdump" ssh-rsa [user rsa key here]

It may be overkill, but I identified the host machine in *all* the
ways that it might identify itself.  Before I ran ssh -d, I didn't
know them all.  Interesting, huh?

Note also that when the amanda host machine attempts to dump itself
via ssh, its hostname, for ssh purposes, may be "localhost" and/or
"".  For example, here's an entry in my
/home/amanda/.ssh/known_hosts file on my amanda host machine:

 ssh-rsa [host's own rsa key here]

Hope that helps!

Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thursday 01 February 2007 11:02, Stephen Carville wrote:
> >I am trying to get ssh authenticaion working on the amanda server to
> >itself.  Amcheck -lc gives me a clean bill of health but the backups
> >still fail.  The older 2.4.5 clients using BSD security still work fine
> >but the SSH eludes me.
> >
> I believe the FAQ or wiki has instructions on how to change the security 
> model over, Stephan.  I'd offer to help, but its been quite some time 
> back up the log that I did it, and without consulting the FAQ or wiki, I 
> know I'd leave something out.
> -- 
> Cheers, Gene
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> Yahoo.com and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
> message by Gene Heskett are:
> Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.


-- Steve

Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
Coolheads Consulting

Co-editor, Topic Maps International Standard (ISO/IEC 13250)
Co-editor, draft Topic Maps -- Reference Model (ISO/IEC 13250-5)


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