I've written a small script to help us to use AMANDA on removable
disks. It is in use for 6 months and is helpful, so it may be useful for
someone else too. :-)

It is on:

Here is the in-line help:
usage: ./amvtm [option [arguments]]+
  revision of ./amvtm is amvtm,v 1.5 2007/09/28 14:01:16 keryell Exp

  AManda Virtual Tape Manager (amvtm) can manage a virtual tape infrastructure
  with tapes automatically numbered from begin to end for example.

  The use case is to have USB disks with few virtual tapes on them
  and to change a disk when it is full.
 The options:
   -b or --begin <n>: set the tape slot begin number. 1 by default
   -e or --end <n>: set the tape slot end number
   -n or --slot-number <n>: set the number of tape slot per disk,
      instead of specifying with -e
   -d or --disk <n>: set the disk number (starting at 0).
      The main idea is to allocate automatically slot numbers
      from -n and -d information
   -f or --format to partition and format the disk
   -m or --mount to mount the disk
   -u or --unmount to unmount the disk
   -t or --amtape arguments: use amtape for more specific tape control.
      This option must be the last one since all the remaining arguments
      are given to amtape
    --verbose: be more verbose (show issued svn commands)


  * To mount an old virtual tape disk:
    ./amvtm --mount

  * To unmount an old virtual tape disk before removing it:
    ./amvtm --unmount

  * To partition, format, mount and create 8 slots with 8 labeled
    virtual tapes on a new disk that is number 2 (note the order of
    the option is not important):
    ./amvtm --format --mount --create --slot-number 8 --disk 2

  * To show the current tape content:
    ./amvtm -t show
    To display amtape short help:
    ./amvtm -t show -h

  At ENST Bretagne/RIRE we have 25 250 GB disks we have split in 8 virtual
  tapes each, that is 200 virtual tapes.

  We plug one disk in a USB2-SATA II rack and change it every 8 AMANDA runs.

  Our label names are of the form [EMAIL PROTECTED], that means
  the virtual tape 3 on disk 21 that was labeled on 28/09/2007 (to be able
  to have an idea of the age of the tape/disk)

  Ronan KERYELL                 |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
  Département Informatique      |/)  Fax:    (+33|0)
  ENST Bretagne, CS 83818       K    GSM:    (+33|0)
  F-29238 PLOUZANÉ CEDEX 3      |\   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  FRANCE                        | \  http://enstb.org/~keryell
                                     sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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