I recompiled Amanda on the three Solaris 9 systems today with the '--without-ipv6' configure option added to the configure script I use, which is currently:

sh ./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=sys --with-amandahosts \
        --with-tmpdir=/amanda/tmp --with-config=ORBnet --without-server \
        --with-debugging=/amanda/debug --with-shared --with-db=db \
        --with-debug-days=28 --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar \

on the systems only needing the client side, and:

sh ./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=sys --with-amandahosts \
        --with-tmpdir=/amanda/tmp --with-config=ORBnet --without-ipv6 \
        --with-debugging=/amanda/debug --with-shared --with-db=db \
        --with-debug-days=28 --with-gnutar=/usr/local/bin/tar

on the tape host system.

I hadn't thought to look for ipv6-related configure options before so it might help, though it might not.


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