Craig Dewick wrote:

On 01/10/2007, *Jean-Louis Martineau* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    The amdump log file show that one backup was done, the IPv6 problem is

That is what I was thinking too.

    >   yoda  /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s4  RESULTS MISSING
    >   driver: FATAL infofile update failed (yoda,'/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0')
    The latest is a fatal error.
    Are you sure the user can read/write to the infofile directory.
    It is 'amgetconf ORBnet infofile'.

Yes the infofile directory is /var/adm/amanda/ORBnet and it's owned by 'amanda' with group 'sys', and is set to 0755 permissions.


13 [EMAIL PROTECTED] #----> ls -sal /var/adm/amanda/ORBnet
total 1322
   0 -rw-------   1 amanda   sys            0 Sep 23 00:45 curinfo.dir
   0 -rw-------   1 amanda   sys            0 Sep 23 00:45 curinfo.pag
   2 drwxr-xr-x   5 amanda   sys          512 Sep 24 09:36 index
Reconfigure amanda on the server without the '--with-db' option.
Only the text db is working.


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