Ok, here I go again. amanda-2.5.2p1 server and client debian/etch.

I have seen this in the past (last Oct iirc) and I remember that
Jean-Louis provided me with a patch but that was for the case of a
succesfully retried DLE. 
In this particular case there was no retry but nevertheless amadmin
and amfetchdump both claims that only the last tape containing the
spanning dump is needed.

Has that patch been back-ported to 2.5.2p1 before I recompile the
server from scratch? (Can't seem to find the patch!)

Here is the relevent info:

# /opt/amanda/sbin/amfetchdump -p -d /dev/nrst0 left1 \
bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif 20080303 | tar -xpvf -
1 tape(s) needed for restoration
The following tapes are needed: av24-1_left1_S00025L3
Press enter when ready

But I know for a fact that the following tapes are needed:

as I can extract the chunks manually or with amrestore.

# su amanda -c "/opt/amanda/sbin/amadmin \
left1 info bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif"

Current info for bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif:
  Stats: dump rates (kps), Full:  67481.3, 81007.6,  -1.0
                    Incremental:  120.0,  -1.0,  -1.0
          compressed size, Full: -100.0%,-100.0%,-100.0%
                    Incremental: -100.0%,-100.0%,-100.0%
  Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
          0  20080303  av24-1_left1_S00025L3  3 837780250 837780250 12415

# su amanda -c "/opt/amanda/sbin/amadmin left1 \
find bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif"

2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
av24-1_left1_S00025L3    1  158 OK
2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
av24-1_left1_S00025L3    2  159 OK
2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
av24-1_left1_S00025L3    3  160 OK

<° ><

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