On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Jean-Francois Malouin
> Anyone on this please?
>  I know, it's not as sexy as 2.6.x :)

I'm confused.  I was hoping someone else understood the problem and would reply.

>  > # /opt/amanda/sbin/amfetchdump -p -d /dev/nrst0 left1 \
>  > bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif 20080303 | tar -xpvf -
>  > 1 tape(s) needed for restoration
>  > The following tapes are needed: av24-1_left1_S00025L3
>  > Press enter when ready

OK, so amfetchdump wants just tape 25.

>  > But I know for a fact that the following tapes are needed:
>  > av24-1_left1_S00025L3
>  > av24-1_left1_S00024L3
>  > av24-1_left1_S00014L3
>  > av24-1_left1_S00013L3
>  >
>  > as I can extract the chunks manually or with amrestore.

What do you mean by that?

>  > # su amanda -c "/opt/amanda/sbin/amadmin \
>  > left1 info bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif"
>  >
>  > Current info for bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif:
>  >   Stats: dump rates (kps), Full:  67481.3, 81007.6,  -1.0
>  >                     Incremental:  120.0,  -1.0,  -1.0
>  >           compressed size, Full: -100.0%,-100.0%,-100.0%
>  >                     Incremental: -100.0%,-100.0%,-100.0%
>  >   Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
>  >           0  20080303  av24-1_left1_S00025L3  3 837780250 837780250 12415

OK -- there's a level 0 on tape 25.

>  > # su amanda -c "/opt/amanda/sbin/amadmin left1 \
>  > find bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif"
>  >
>  > 2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
> av24-1_left1_S00025L3    1  158 OK
>  > 2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
> av24-1_left1_S00025L3    2  159 OK
>  > 2008-03-03 19:10:01 bigbrain BIG_BRAIN_pm3903_postmortem_tif  0 
> av24-1_left1_S00025L3    3  160 OK

And again -- a level 0 (in three parts) on tape 25.


Storage Software Engineer

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