On Tuesday 11 August 2009, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
>I'm curious to know who out there is running the daily Amanda snapshots.
>A *lot* of new code has gone in since the 2.6.1 release, and I'd like
>to see it tested now, rather than waiting until the beta process
>begins.  We've rewritten the taper to use the transfer architecture;
>rewitten all uses of the old taperscan algorithm to use the simpler
>and more explicit Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional; rewritten several
>other applications to use the new Changer API; and added a new
>chg-robot to replace the crusty old chg-zd-mtx.  I'm working on
>rewriting the restore/recover applications now.  The idea is to
>completely jettison the old Changer API before the next relase.
>So, please let me know if the snapshots are working for you!

I have been following the 2.6.2 snapshots, usually within a day or so, for 
several months.  You've heard about it when I have problems, which isn't 

Currently running the 2.6.2-20090805 snapshot.  The only problem is an Ooopsen 
caused by tar, in the first minute thirty of the first run of amanda after a 
reboot, an Ooopsen that is apparently 100% benign as it never repeats, and 
amanda is not aware of it, the backup proceeds normally.

There is a regression filed against kernel 2.6.31-rc5 about this, but whose bz 
number I do not recall ATM.  Ends in 899 IIRC.  Current uptime on that kernel 
is 4d, 1:23.

I have been reducing the size of the vtape slowly, and the scheduler seems to 
be coming into a balance of about 85% usage, so I just reduced it another few 
percent, from 16GB to 15GB.  Drive usage is still just under 50% on a 1TB 
drive so I could add more vtapes, but see no real reason to, 30 seems 

Is it ready for prime time?  My guess is that it is, at least for me, in my 

Cheers, Gene
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