On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Jean-Francois
Malouin<ma...@bic.mni.mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Can you elaborate on the new chg-robot: I just downloaded the latest
> snapshot for 2.6.1 (2.6.1p1-20090805) and I can't find anything
> related to that.

Hmm, well one problem is that that's a snapshot of the the 2.6.1
branch, which is pretty stable at this point.  The other problem,
which Jean-Louis might be able to address, is that it's now almost
20090812, so we should probably have a new build installed by now.
That said, the commit of chg-robot (perl/Amanda/Changer/robot.pm) was
on 8/3, so the 2.6.2alpha-20090805 snapshot should do the trick for

> In the next few days I intend to toy with this as I have a new library
> not in yet production.

That would be great!  I've tested this manually on the changers I have
access to, but its unit tests use "mock" versions of mt and mtx, which
might obscure some bugs that will appear on exposure to more real
hardware.  I've been toying with the idea of running the unit tests
against a real changer library, but there are just too many variables
and too many possibilities for false failures involved.

> Thanks for the good work!

And to you, in advance!


Open Source Storage Engineer

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