On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 09:57:36AM -0600, John Hein wrote:
> stan wrote at 10:56 -0400 on Aug 21, 2009:
>  > OK here is the latest on this saga :-)
>  > 
>  > On one of the OpenBSD 4.5 machines I have built 2.5.0p1, and was able to
>  > back this machine up successfully (using classic UDP based authentication)
>  > 
>  > On another of them, I built 2.5.2p1. The first attempt to back this machine
>  > up failed. I checked the log files, and found they were having issues
>  > because /etc/amdates was missing. I corrected that, and started a 2nd
>  > backup run. (Remember amcheck reports all is well with this machine). I 
>  > got the following from amstatus when I attempted to back up this machine.
>  > Also remember, one of the test I ran with a 2.6.1 client was to connect a
>  > test machine directly to the client, using a crossover cable to eliminate
>  > any firewall, or router type issues.
>  > 
>  > I am attaching, what I think is, the amadnad debug file associated with 
> this
>  > failure.
>  > 
>  > Can anyone suggest what I can do to further troubleshoot this?
>  > 
>  > pb48:wd0f                     1  dumper: [could not connect DATA stream:
>  > can't connect stream to pb48.meadwestvaco.com port 11996: Connection
>  > refused] (10:37:27)
>  > 
>    .
>    .
>    .
>  > amandad: time 30.019: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>  > amandad: time 30.019: security_stream_seterr(0x86b67000, can't accept new 
> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>  > amandad: time 30.019: stream 0 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>  > amandad: time 30.019: security_stream_close(0x86b67000)
>  > amandad: time 60.027: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>  > amandad: time 60.027: security_stream_seterr(0x81212000, can't accept new 
> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>  > amandad: time 60.027: stream 1 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>  > amandad: time 60.027: security_stream_close(0x81212000)
>  > amandad: time 90.035: stream_accept: timeout after 30 seconds
>  > amandad: time 90.036: security_stream_seterr(0x84877000, can't accept new 
> stream connection: No such file or directory)
>  > amandad: time 90.036: stream 2 accept failed: unknown protocol error
>  > amandad: time 90.036: security_stream_close(0x84877000)
>  > amandad: time 90.036: security_close(handle=0x81bbf800, driver=0x298a9240 
> (BSD))
>  > amandad: time 120.044: pid 17702 finish time Fri Aug 21 10:39:27 2009
> For some reason the socket is not getting marked ready for read.
> select(2) is timing out waiting.  Firewall setup perhaps?
> This bit of code in 2.5.2p1's common-src/stream.c is where
> the failure is happening for you...
> int
> stream_accept(
>     int server_socket,
>     int timeout,
>     size_t sendsize,
>     size_t recvsize)
> {
>     SELECT_ARG_TYPE readset;
>     struct timeval tv;
>     int nfound, connected_socket;
>     int save_errno;
>     int ntries = 0;
>     in_port_t port;
>     assert(server_socket >= 0);
>     do {
>         ntries++;
>         memset(&tv, 0, SIZEOF(tv));
>         tv.tv_sec = timeout;
>         memset(&readset, 0, SIZEOF(readset));
>         FD_ZERO(&readset);
>         FD_SET(server_socket, &readset);
>         nfound = select(server_socket+1, &readset, NULL, NULL, &tv);
>         if(nfound <= 0 || !FD_ISSET(server_socket, &readset)) {
>             save_errno = errno;
>             if(nfound < 0) {
>                 dbprintf(("%s: stream_accept: select() failed: %s\n",
>                       debug_prefix_time(NULL),
>                       strerror(save_errno)));
>             } else if(nfound == 0) {
>                 dbprintf(("%s: stream_accept: timeout after %d second%s\n",
>                       debug_prefix_time(NULL),
>                       timeout,
>                       (timeout == 1) ? "" : "s"));
>                 errno = ENOENT;                 /* ??? */
>                 return -1;
The firts thing I notice when comparing this function in 2.5.0 vs 2.5.2 is
that 2.5.0 does:

tv.tv_usec = 0;

and 2.5.2 does not. Could thim make a difference? Both do 

tv.tv_sec = timeout;

One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C

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