On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 03:53:13PM -0600, Michael Burk wrote:
> Stan's not alone on this one. I have two OpenBSD 4.5 machines also on Sun
> SPARC hardware. I had this same trouble a couple months ago with 2.6.1, but
> didn't have time to look deeper. After seeing this discussion, I built
> amanda-2.6.2alpha-20090812 (can't get 0820 to compile). I'm getting exactly
> the same errors. I tried dump with and without compression.
> My Amanda server is on Solaris 10, and I have a mix of Solaris, Linux, and
> OpenBSD systems. Except for the above-mentioned build, everything is at
> 2.6.1p1. There are no firewalls on the Amanda server or the OpenBSD clients.
> I know "me too" responses aren't usually helpful, but maybe this will rule
> out the firewall question, at least.

Thanks for confirming the problem report. 

Any cn
hance of you trying 2.500, and 2.5.2 to see if the first works, and the 2nd
doesn't? Are you using bsd auth?

One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C

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