Well, looks like we shot ourselves in the foot.

disklist - finsen  /export zfs-snapshot

[finsen] ~ 61> cd /exp*
[finsen]: /export > ls
home/  pax/  samba/  source/  testing/  zones/

Looks like it'll backup everything - however if you create
additional mountpoints...

[finsen]: /export > zfs list | more
NAME                                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
finsenp                                   136G   132G  28.4K  /finsenp
finsenp/export                            136G   132G  33.6G  /export
finsenp/export/home                      55.0G  73.0G  71.0K  /export/home
finsenp/export/home/agaupel              32.9K  9.97M  32.9K  /export/home/agaup
finsenp/export/home/amanda               33.1M  73.0G  33.1M  /export/home/amand
finsenp/export/home/bhowland             9.71G  73.0G  9.71G  /export/home/bhowl
finsenp/export/home/dkim                 32.9K  9.97M  32.9K  /export/home/dkim
it is as if the file systems are not subdirectories of one
another and you don't get backups of /export/home nor /export/home/<user>

Is this what other people on this list with ZFS are seeing ?

I recognize this as a ZFS side-effect and not an amanada issue.

But I'm now forced ot ask if there is an amanda solution, or for
that matter, as I migrate my users to this new system if amanda
will support in excess of 1000 DLEs in a single config/disklist.

   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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