ON my exciting installation with no changes (well I added some Windows
clients). Several machines now are timing out on amcheck, and on the backup
run. The machines seem to be somewhat variable, but I picked one that seems
to be  a consistent "bad actor" Here is the debug file from an amcheck this

amandad: debug 1 pid 20072 ruid 404 euid 404: start at Tue Dec 29 08:20:40 2009
amandad: version 2.4.3b4
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.3b4"
amandad:        BUILT_DATE="Mon Feb 3 09:40:35 GMT 2003"
amandad:        BUILT_MACH="SunOS AP0550 5.5.1 Generic_103640-20 sun4m sparc 
amandad:        CC="gcc"
amandad:        CONFIGURE_COMMAND="'./configure' '--with-config=DailyDump' 
'--prefix=/opt/amanda' '--with-index-server=debian' '--with-user=amanda' 
'--with-group=operator' '--with-tape-server=debian' '--with-debugging' 
'--with-tape-device=/dev/nst0' '--sbindir=/opt/amanda/sbin' 
'--libexecdir=/opt/amanda/libexec' '--libdir=/opt/amanda/lib' 
'--mandir=/opt/amanda/man' '--without-rundump' '--without-server'"
amandad: paths: bindir="/opt/amanda/bin" sbindir="/opt/amanda/sbin"
amandad:        libexecdir="/opt/amanda/libexec" mandir="/opt/amanda/man"
amandad:        AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda"
amandad:        CONFIG_DIR="/opt/amanda/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/dsk/"
amandad:        RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/rdsk/" DUMP="/usr/sbin/ufsdump"
amandad:        RESTORE="/usr/sbin/ufsrestore"
amandad:        COMPRESS_PATH="/opt/FSFgzip/bin/gzip"
amandad:        UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/opt/FSFgzip/bin/gzip"
amandad:        MAILER="/bin/mailx"
amandad:        listed_incr_dir="/opt/amanda/var/amanda/gnutar-lists"
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="debian" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailyDump"
amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="debian"
amandad:        CLIENT_LOGIN="amanda" FORCE_USERID HAVE_GZIP
amandad:        COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
amandad:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"
amandad: time 0.003: got packet:
Amanda 2.6 REQ HANDLE 000-00000009 SEQ 1262258321
SERVICE selfcheck
OPTIONS features=ffffffff9ffeffffffff7f;maxdumps=1;hostname=AW0071.mcn.chs;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d5 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d4 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d2 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d0 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;

amandad: time 0.004: sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-00000009 SEQ 1262258321

amandad: time 0.040: bsd security: remote host amanda.mcn.chs user amanda local 
user amanda
amandad: time 0.041: amandahosts security check passed
amandad: time 0.041: running service "/opt/amanda/libexec/selfcheck"
amandad: time 0.212: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-00000009 SEQ 1262258321
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9f00;
OK /dev/md/dsk/d5
OK /dev/md/dsk/d5
OK /dev/md/rdsk/d5
OK /dev/md/dsk/d4
OK /dev/md/dsk/d4
OK /dev/md/rdsk/d4
OK /dev/md/dsk/d2
OK /dev/md/dsk/d2
OK /dev/md/rdsk/d2
OK /dev/md/dsk/d0
OK /dev/md/dsk/d0
OK /dev/md/rdsk/d0
OK /usr/sbin/ufsdump executable
OK /usr/sbin/ufsrestore executable
OK /opt/FSFgzip/bin/gzip executable
OK /etc/dumpdates read/writable
OK /dev/null read/writable
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /etc has more than 64 KB available.

amandad: time 10.208: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 10.209: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 11.817: got packet:
Amanda 2.6 REQ HANDLE 000-00000009 SEQ 1262258321
SERVICE selfcheck
OPTIONS features=ffffffff9ffeffffffff7f;maxdumps=1;hostname=AW0071.mcn.chs;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d5 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d4 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d2 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d0 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;

amandad: time 11.817: it is not an ack
amandad: time 21.808: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 21.808: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 29.855: got packet:
Amanda 2.6 REQ HANDLE 000-00000009 SEQ 1262258321
SERVICE selfcheck
OPTIONS features=ffffffff9ffeffffffff7f;maxdumps=1;hostname=AW0071.mcn.chs;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d5 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d4 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d2 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;
DUMP /dev/md/dsk/d0 0 OPTIONS |;auth=BSD;srvcomp-best;index;

amandad: time 29.856: it is not an ack
amandad: time 39.848: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 39.849: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 49.848: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 49.849: waiting for ack: timeout, retrying
amandad: time 59.848: dgram_recv: timeout after 10 seconds
amandad: time 59.849: waiting for ack: timeout, giving up!
amandad: time 59.849: pid 20072 finish time Tue Dec 29 08:21:40 2009

I have a suspicion that we may be having network issues (loading ?). But i
wanted the wisdom of the list on the, befoe I go try to get that addressed.
What does this look like to you all?

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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