On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 14:10 -0500, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote: 

> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 5:57 AM, Matt Burkhardt <m...@imparisystems.com> 
> wrote:
> > The "bad key" error doesn't mean the passphrase is wrong (that would be 
> > "invalid passphrase").  It often means that the file you are decrypting is 
> > corrupt.  Was the file you are decrypting encrypted with a passphrase only 
> > or with a public key?
> What was the answer to this question?
> Dustin
> --
> Open Source Storage Engineer
> http://www.zmanda.com

Dustin - thanks for checking up on me!

I've been trying to get an older version by getting the history and
selecting a full backup - so I do 

200- Dump history for config "laptops" host "mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local" 
disk /home/mlb/ImpariSystems
201- 2010-03-10-09-15-33 1 laptops-0004:5
201- 2010-03-09-10-40-06 1 laptops-0003:1
201- 2010-03-08-17-27-03 0 laptops-0002:2
201- 2010-03-06-12-03-37 0 laptops-0001:3
201- 2010-03-05-11-46-08 1 laptops-0020:2
201- 2010-03-05-09-57-36 0 laptops-0019:3
201- 2010-03-04-10-23-20 0 laptops-0018:4
201- 2010-03-03-09-00-02 1 laptops-0017:4
201- 2010-03-02-09-00-01 1 laptops-0016:1
201- 2010-02-28-12-13-07 1 laptops-0015:2
201- 2010-02-28-09-00-01 0 laptops-0014:4
201- 2010-02-25-09-00-01 1 laptops-0013:2
201- 2010-02-24-13-25-46 1 laptops-0012:2
201- 2010-02-24-09-00-02 0 laptops-0011:3
201- 2010-02-23-09-00-02 1 laptops-0007:2
201- 2010-02-11-09-00-02 0 laptops-0005:4
201- 2010-02-08-12-02-50 1 laptops-0006:4
201- 2010-02-07-09-00-02 1 laptops-0008:4
201- 2010-02-05-15-02-31 1 laptops-0010:4

In this example, I set the date to 2010-03-06 because I'm assuming that
0 means a full backup - and then I try to extract it and I get:

amrecover> setdate 2010-03-06
200 Working date set to 2010-03-06.
amrecover> ls
2010-03-06-12-03-37 YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112237.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 YorkInvoice.txt.20080211112236.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 YorkInvoice
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151410.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement.20090222151409.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement.20090222150138.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101929.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement.20090220101928.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Q3IncomeStatement
2010-03-06-12-03-37 OC_Beta_V4.0.pdf
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100228163356.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100228163355.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100228163244.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223123458.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223123457.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223122643.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223122642.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223121705.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223121705.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223121146.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223121145.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223120132.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223120132.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100223115324.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100208164001.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100208120210.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100208120209.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100208115934.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100207143430.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100207143429.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100207142854.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100207142853.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100207142327.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202141328.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202141328.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202140825.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202140824.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202135209.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202135208.xac
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems.20100202134629.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 ImpariSystems
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Financials.20070602144258.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Financials.20070524123205.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Financials.20070524123203.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Financials
2010-03-06-12-03-37 EasyCom.pdf
2010-03-06-12-03-37 "Demo Site/"
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Backup.20090222151812.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Backup.20090222151811.log
2010-03-06-12-03-37 Backup
2010-03-06-12-03-37 2007msrsmfinal1.pdf
2010-03-06-12-03-37 .
amrecover> add ImpariSystems
Added file /ImpariSystems
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host ubuntu.imparisystems.local.
The following tapes are needed: laptops-0001

Restoring files into directory /home/mlb
Continue [?/Y/n]? y

Extracting files using tape drive changer on host ubuntu.imparisystems.local.
Load tape laptops-0001 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/d]? y
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: ./ImpariSystems: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Extractor child exited with status 2

So I tried to retrieve an older version using amfetchdump - so 

amfetchdump laptops mlb-laptop /home/mlb/ImpariSystems 20100303 -O 
/home/mlb/toshiba -l
1 tape(s) needed for restoration
The following tapes are needed: laptops-0017
Press enter when ready

amfetchdump: slot 17: time 20100303090002 label laptops-0017 (exact label match)
Scanning volume laptops-0017 (slot 17)
amfetchdump: 4: restoring FILE: date 20100303090002 host 
mlb-laptop.imparisystems.local disk /home/mlb/ImpariSystems lev 1 comp .gz 
program /bin/tar crypt enc client_encrypt /usr/sbin/amcryptsimple 
client_decrypt_option -d
gpg: decryption failed: bad key

Since it's happened on almost every backup I've tried, I'm assuming I'm
missing a very important piece of information - so I do think it's a bad
key or I'm missing the public key.  I have another computer that is
backed up the exact same way and I've had no problems recovering files
for that one.


Matt Burkhardt
Impari Systems, Inc.

Customer Relationship Management Systems
We help you find and keep your best customers
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701
work (301) 682-7901
cell   (301) 802-3235

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