On Friday 11 June 2010, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com> 
>> Ok, but todays 3156 just fell over, same perms problem.
>Right, I haven't fixed it yet.
>> Are you sure you want to change how that works?
>Yes - chowning everything to amanda is actually *less* secure (since
>it means that someone who compromises the Amanda account could modify
>those executables)
>> But it would be great if something can be made to work under an rpm or
>> dpkg install without throwing the baby out with the bathwater because
>> rpm (don't know about the deb scene) can't do the ownership and suid
>> bits needed.
>I don't know about that - Amanda's been successfully packaged in RPMs
>for a while now.

What I have seen so far is not compatible with a tarball build, looking like 
they threw away stuff until it appeared to work, how well I wasn't willing 
to butcher my system and check.  However, I will probably update /dev/sda to 
fedora 13 in 3 weeks or so, and at that point I might try it if what Fedora 
is shipping isn't 4 years old.

>If you'd like to start up another thread on that
>topic, that'd be fine.  Or put the distro maintainers in touch with
>Dan Locks.
I will try to remember that th next time it comes up.

Thanks Dustin.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If you disassemble a machine and then reassemble it, there will always be at 
least one part left over. 
        -- Murphy's Law of Machinery

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