On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Jon LaBadie <j...@jgcomp.com> wrote:
> This time (4:52) is the sum of the total time taken in writing each
> individual DLE (DONE lines in the log).  There is overhead, particularly
> when writing multi-part DLEs that is reflected in this number.
> This number (2:21) is the sum of the times actually writing each
> part of the DLEs (PART lines in the log).  It does not include
> any overhead time between each part writing.

This is completely correct.  To my knowledge, this is how Amanda has
always calculated these statistics (we are pretty careful to run the
old and new amreports on a bunch of identical real-world logfiles and
check that the results are the same).

So the question is: should the report be updated to make this clearer?
 And if so, how?  This might be a good place for someone to do a bit
of hacking on the new Amanda::Report::human module..


Open Source Storage Engineer

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