Updated to include a bit more information.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Chris Nighswonger
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm here again with another ZWC-exclude list issue.
> This paste ( shows a DLE for a ZWC
> client and a listing of the resulting dump. This configuration is
> setup with the sole purpose of testing the ZWC and exclude lists.
> As you can see, the exclude list has a number of multi-media file
> extensions in regexp form. The target directory is almost entirely mp3
> files. In spite of this exclude list, the ZWC still insists on dumping
> all of the mp3 files. I have verified via tcpdump that the exclude
> list is passed to the ZWC. However, setting the log level of ZWC to 5
> shows a call to zwcIncludeExcludeList(), but logs nothing to indicate
> that the client actually received the exclude list.
> 2304:2112:30/6/2010:13:45:602::Entering zwcIncludeExcludeList()
> 2304:2112:30/6/2010:13:45:602::Leaving zwcIncludeExcludeList()
> So... am I missing something that I don't know about or is this a bug?
> Incidentally, if the source for ZWC were available, I'd be glad to
> take a look and see if I could fix this.
> Kind Regards,
> Chris

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