On Monday, August 30, 2010 05:06:22 pm Dustin J. Mitchell did opine:

> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Gene Heskett <gene.hesk...@gmail.com> 
> > Dustin;  I changed to that syntax and amcheck objected to having both
> > the tapedev and that sort of syntax in the tpchanger line unless I
> > was using the old chg-disk, so I commented the tapedev line, and gave
> > tpchanger the full path to my vtapes ":/amandatapes/Dailys", and
> > amcheck was again happy. If that is not in the man pages yet (I
> > didn't check yet) then it probably should be.  Stateing that as a
> > path spec to where they are would be helpful to the newbie.
> > 
> > Yeah, I'm still using the 3.2alpha snapshots, playing canary.
> >  svn.3343 ATM, worked fine last night with the old syntax.
> Right - the "old syntax" still works, but let's try not to talk about
> it in front of n00bs :)

> In modifying the manpages, I tried to err on the side of the new
> syntax, while still documenting the old syntax.  So amanda-changers(7)
> says:
> The preferred method of specifying configuration for a changer is as a
> "changer" section in amanda.conf(5). The tapedev parameter then
> indicates, by name, the changer that will be used by default by most
> Amanda programs. For example:
> I'll be happy to merge any suggested additions/modifications to the
> manpage.
> Dustin

Yes, I have since read that, and I'll see what sort of gotcha's I run into 
in trying to set that up, but not today, I'm half cooked.

Thanks Dustin.

Cheers, Gene
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