On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 10:55:55AM -0500, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> I bet most of you have some small nitpick with Amanda that you've
> never felt warranted an email.  Well, now's your chance!  I'd like to
> put some polish on Amanda, and it's hard for me to see the areas that
> need burnishing, since I work on Amanda all day, every day.
>  - typo in a manpage?
>  - command-line usage oddity?
>  - confusing use of terminology?
>  - something else?
> Start up a new thread on the mailing list, or email me privately if
> you'd prefer, to let me know what's bugging you.  Bonus points for
> also supplying a patch, but that's not at all required!
> Note that I do reserve the right to say, "actually, that's
> complicated" (and explain why).

Ok, here is an easy one for you; or someone who can find where
in the code these data are printed.

The STATISTICS section of amreport has bothered me.  Here is
a sample from a recent 3.1.2 report.

                          Total       Full      Incr.
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)     0:07
Run Time (hrs:min)          4:25
Dump Time (hrs:min)         8:58       5:08       3:50
Output Size (meg)        52665.6    22391.0    30274.6
Original Size (meg)      79151.3    32995.2    46156.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     66.5       67.9       65.6  (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped            24          3         21  (1:20 2:1)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       1669.8     1240.2     2245.0

Tape Time (hrs:min)         1:36       0:47       0:49
Tape Size (meg)          52665.6    22391.0    30274.6
Tape Used (%)              205.7       87.5      118.3  (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped             24          3         21  (1:20 2:1)
                                                        (level:#parts ...)
Parts Taped                   39          8         31  (1:30 2:1)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   9367.7     8156.7    10523.2

First, what I call a DLE is refered to as Filesystem some places and
disk others.

Second I don't like the repeating extra column headings printed 3
times after the Incr. column.  The headings should be moved to the
top and the unnecessary blank line reclaimed.  I'm not against blank
lines to group things, but not just to stick an extra column hdr.

Two ways to fix the extra headers.  Move them to the top or put
them at the end of the first column.  I.e. make "Parts Taped"
into "Parts Taped (lvl:#parts ...)".

Here is my suggested revision:

                          Total       Full      Incr.    (lvl:# ...)
                        --------   --------   --------   -----------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)     0:07
Run Time (hrs:min)          4:25
Dump Time (hrs:min)         8:58       5:08       3:50
Output Size (meg)        52665.6    22391.0    30274.6
Original Size (meg)      79151.3    32995.2    46156.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     66.5       67.9       65.6
DLEs Dumped                   24          3         21   (1:20 2:1)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       1669.8     1240.2     2245.0

Tape Time (hrs:min)         1:36       0:47       0:49
Tape Size (meg)          52665.6    22391.0    30274.6
Tape Used (%)              205.7       87.5      118.3
DLEs Taped                    24          3         21   (1:20 2:1)
Parts Taped                   39          8         31   (1:30 2:1)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   9367.7     8156.7    10523.2

Might not even need the parens.

Hmmm I wonder why Incrementals always seem to dump at double
the rate of level 0's?

Jon H. LaBadie                  j...@jgcomp.com
 JG Computing
 12027 Creekbend Drive          (703) 787-0884
 Reston, VA  20194              (703) 787-0922 (fax)

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