Big change to the driver and taper was committed yesterday.
Can you post the taper debug file and the amdump.1 file.


Gene Heskett wrote:
Yesterdays 3411 failed last night, all DEL's timed out waiting for writing to tape.

The install, which ends in an amcheck:
install done, now running amcheck as the user amanda
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps: 21712896 kB disk space available, using 21200896 kB
Searching for label 'Dailys-20':found in slot 20: volume 'Dailys-20'
Will write to volume 'Dailys-20' in slot 20.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.312 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 6.333 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.2.0alpha.svn.3411)
but no mail or printout was received, and my 32 count active disklist comes back as 32 lines of this:

coyote:/GenesAmandaHelper-0.6 2 141545k dump done (2:01:42), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/bin 0 11520k dump done (3:42:09), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/boot 0 131910k dump done (1:54:59), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/etc 0 6660k dump done (3:42:45), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/home 0 12775661k dump done (3:33:36), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/lib 1 3222k dump done (3:44:36), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/opt 1 356k dump done (3:46:23), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/root 0 4893k dump done (3:41:55), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/sbin 0 21850k dump done (1:55:25), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/tmp 1 3819k dump done (3:33:39), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/X11R6 1 1k dump done (3:42:24), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/bin 1 160490k dump done (3:43:46), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/dlds/misc 1 40k dump done (3:44:09), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/dlds/rpms 0 273580k dump done (1:54:53), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/dlds/tgzs 1 10k dump done (3:48:00), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/include 0 4349k dump done (3:42:57), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/lib 0 666070k dump done (3:41:53), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/libexec 1 4k dump done (3:48:15), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/local 1 19114k dump done (3:43:22), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/movies 1 40k dump done (3:43:54), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/music 0 103340k dump done (1:55:13), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/pix 1 140k dump done (3:43:25), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/sbin 0 20424k dump done (3:34:04), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/share 1 153125k dump done (3:46:09), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/usr/src 1 4233k dump done (3:48:00), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape coyote:/var 0 3187338k dump done (2:01:18), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/etc 1 20k dump done (1:55:54), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/home 1 768k dump done (1:55:11), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/usr/lib/amanda 1 2k dump done (1:55:00), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/usr/local 1 1k dump done (1:55:30), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/usr/src 1 121k dump done (1:54:45), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape shop:/var/lib/amanda 1 115k dump done (1:55:40), process terminated while waiting for writing to tape

And I have 18Gb sitting in /dumps.

pclos updated 352 packages last night before amanda was scheduled to run, so I am going to reboot and try a flush, reporting back when I have done that.

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