Am 20.09.2010 22:03, schrieb Dustin J. Mitchell:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:
>> Added that debug-parameter and re-ran amflush, nothing special in the logs.
> What does this mean?  Did the taper start up but not write anything?

Yep. There is a taper-debugfile, but nothing written.
All DLEs marked "NO FILE TO FLUSH" in the report-mail.

> And what revision are you using?

I think it was 3411, now I am at 3427.

amflush -b daily immediately fails ..

amreport: "process terminated while waiting to flush"

A bit fast for the driver-process -->

$ cat driver.20100920220732.debug
Mon Sep 20 22:07:32 2010: driver: pid 8013 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: start at Mon Sep 20 22:07:32 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:07:32 2010: driver: pid 8013 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: rename at Mon Sep 20 22:07:32 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:07:34 2010: driver: pid 8013 finish time Mon Sep 20
22:07:34 2010


taper shows nothing special, afaik:

$ cat taper.20100920220733.debug
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: pid 8014 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: start at Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: pid 8014 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: rename at Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: driver/taper << START-TAPER worker0
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scribe: starting
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional stage
1: search for oldest reusable volume
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional oldest
reusable volume is 'daily04'
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional
changer is not fast-searchable; skipping to stage 2
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional stage
2: scan for any reusable volume
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scan::traditional
result: 'daily04' on tape:/dev/nst0 slot 1, mode 2
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: driver/taper >> TAPER-OK worker0
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: driver/taper << QUIT
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: Amanda::Taper::Scribe: quitting
Mon Sep 20 22:07:33 2010: taper: pid 8014 finish time Mon Sep 20
22:07:33 2010

I assume "debug_driver 9" ??


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