with "driver_debug 9":

$ amcheck -s daily
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /mnt/amhold/daily: 36 GB disk space available, using 36 GB
WARNING: skipping tape test because amdump or amflush seem to be running
WARNING: if they are not, you must run amcleanup
Server check took 0.001 seconds

(brought to you by Amanda 3.2.0alpha)

ama...@mythtv /var/tmp/amanda/server/daily $ amcleanup -k daily
/usr/libexec/amanda/amlogroll exited with value 1 256

ama...@mythtv /var/tmp/amanda/server/daily $ ls -lrt amlogroll*


-rw-r----- 1 amanda amanda 447 Sep 20 22:23 amlogroll.20100920222356.debug

ama...@mythtv /var/tmp/amanda/server/daily $ cat
Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010: amlogroll: pid 8193 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: start at Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010: amlogroll: pid 8193 ruid 87 euid 87 version
3.2.0alpha: rename at Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010
Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010: amlogroll: warning: no current timestamp found
in logfile
Mon Sep 20 22:23:56 2010: amlogroll: critical (fatal): could not get
current timestamp at /usr/libexec/amanda/amlogroll line 64.

does that help?


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