Snapshot is created but not used see below in 3.2.0beta3

Sat Oct  9 22:23:08 2010: amgtar: Spawning "/usr/local/bin/tar 
/usr/local/bin/tar --create --verbose --file - --directory / --one-file-system 
--no-check-device --listed-incremental 
/var/opt/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse --ignore-failed-read 
--totals ." in pipeline

but in 3.1.1 snapshot is created and used - the config is the same.

 Sat Oct  9 20:10:26 2010: amgtar: Spawning "/usr/local/bin/tar 
/usr/local/bin/tar --create --verbose --file - --directory 
//.zfs/snapshot/amanda-_-current --one-file-system --no-check-device 
--listed-incremental/var/opt/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse 
--ignore-failed-read --totals ." in pipeline

ok it's different machines but I downgraded the client and the log was 

> Hmm, I don't think we made any changes to how GNU Tar is invoked that would 
> cause it to no longer be able to read special device files - it never could 
> do that.  If you still have a sendbackup debug log from 3.1.x, can you 
> compare the tar invocation to the one made by 3.2.0?

Thanks Gunnar Gunnarsson

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