On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 22:36:07 -0700
Christ Schlacta <aarc...@aarcane.org> wrote:

> if I have a theoretical tapecycle of 20, and the obvious 20 tapes,
> but a small changer with only 2-5 slots, which I intend to load daily
> with the required tapes for the night's run, is it safe to assume
> that amanda will *ALWAYS* request tapes in the same numerical order,
> or can it at any point pick an arbitrary tape from the list?

It is not safe. If you start removing and creating tapes (for example
as they wear out, as you need more capacity, etc.) they will get out of
numeric sequence.

"amadmin <config> tape" is your friend. E.g.:

bac...@chaffee:~$ amadmin DailySet1 tape
The next Amanda run should go onto tape DailySet1_24 or a new tape.
                                   tape DailySet1_25 or a new tape.

Your report for each dump will indicate which tape it wants next:

 These dumps were to tape DailySet1_22.
 The next 2 tapes Amanda expects to use are: DailySet1_23, DailySet1_24.

Unless you muck with the tapes in the interval.

(The two reports probably differ because I had a backup going on while
I ran amadmin.)

Also, you can predict the next several tapes by looking at the file
"tapelist". Tapes at the bottom are up next.


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