On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 12:35:10 -0500
upengan78 <amanda-fo...@backupcentral.com> wrote:

> Firstly, thanks for the response!
> 1. You have 50 gig under backup/amanda control, but how much data 
> are you currently backing up per week ? 
> Currently not doing any backups through Amanda. I am trying to
> understand this whole theory of numbers involved in configuration. I
> want to start backing up a 50G partition with a Full backup on Monday
> and incrementals on each day till next week's Monday. So I think for
> 7 days I will have to backup 50G + 200M x 6 days = 50.6G . Let's say
> 55G a week.

If you have a dump cycle of 7, and expect 50 G per, then you need 50 x
3 G, or 150 G, plus some spare.

> My original configuration is with little idea.
> dumpcycle 7
> runspercycle 7
> tapecycle 20
> I though above would yield me 7 Days of backup including 1 Full and 6
> incrementals in 1 dumpcycle and all 20 tapes will be used. I don't
> know if I am right.

You need 3 x dump cycle tapes plus some spares, so I'd bump that up to
25, a nice integer factor of 150.

The reason you need three times dump cycle is that Amanda spreads out
level 0 (full) backups across the dump cycle, and this ensures that you
always have at least the most recent level 0 backup for any DLE.

> 2. With current settings, tapecycle and dumpcycle you will have 
> between 2 and 3 full dumps per partition "on tape" at any one 
> time, 2.x X 50 Gig >> 80 Gig so you are already short on (vtape)
> space. 
> Correct I think I also think I am short of Vtapes. I wonder if I
> should add more 4.xx G size tapes or redo Vtapes of 40G size each to
> utilize whole 300GB of disk space.

I use tapes of 10 G and find that a convenient size. I also set
runtapes to 2, but be warned that that introduces a new and potentially
messy factor into your tape requirements calculation.

I also set tape_splitsize to 900 mb, which splits up large dumps into
smaller chunks. 11of them will barely fit onto a 10 G vtape, so I get
maximum use of each one.

> 3. I believe that vtape size is an upper bound, unused space on 
> the vtape is actually free space on the disk, so you can actually 
> oversubscribe the 300 gig pool by some percentage (depending on 
> numerous factors that we currently do NOT have a handle on). 

Correct, and I have not looked into the calculation.

> I am not sure I understand what oversubscribe actually is but I
> wonder if I really need it. could you tell me what it will actually
> do in my case?

Let's say you have 25 4 G tapes, for a theoretical supply of 100 G, so
you give Amanda a partition of 100 G. But you notice that the runs tend
to under-use each tape, by an average of 10%. So you are actually using
90 G. You could (in theory) add two more tapes to that partition.

I recommend against it; I prefer to play with the tape size and
tape_splitsize to make things better emulate tapes.

> 4. With 4 Gig tapes... how large are your DLEs ? 4 Gig is relatively 
> small, are you using tape spanning or are all of the DLE's small ? 
> I don't believe Tape spanning is configured. I just used Vtapes
> document from Amanda wiki and so used 4GB dvd size as it is
> mentioned there.

Are you planning to back up vtapes to DVD? If not, I'd say, don't worry
about the 4 G size and pick something that suits your data set.


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