[quote="Jean-Louis Martineau"]
flush-threshold-dumped 100
flush-threshold-scheduled 100
taperflush 100

> OK...I see that as documented here:
> http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/FAQ:Why_does_Amanda_not_append_to_a_tape%3F
> This would seem to allow full tape utilization without having to resort to 
> vtapes...I'm pretty sure I was already doing this and it didn't work 
> reliably...will try again.
> As I understand it, it would seem that the holding disk needs to be 
> *slightly* larger than the largest "tape" you are going to write to.  I would 
> also seem that setting your backup files size to something pretty granular 
> (e.g. 1GB, 5GB or at most 10GB) would also help ensure you make full use of a 
> "tape".
> Now I've got a MASSIVE amount of IO capacity (300MB/s for the holding disk) 
> and since each "tape" is connected via its own dedicated SAS/SATA port I've 
> got about 100MB/s for as many tapes as I load at the same time (e.g. if I 
> load 5 I could be writing as much as 500MB/s)...of course this means I have 
> to split all of the source disks I'm backup up from across multiple Amanda 
> configs, right?
> But then that complicates things, I presume I need a dedicated holding disk 
> for each config?  or can multiple configs share the same holding disk?
> If the former, then I presume what I really want is holding disks like this:
> drive 1 - 2TB - holding1 (DailySet1)
> drive 2 - 2TB - holding2 (DailySet2)
> drive 3 - 2TB - holding3 (DailySet3)
> drive 4 - 2TB - holding4 (DailySet4)
> But now I'm confused...if I have all my flush params set to 100% and my 
> holding disk EQUALS the size of a backup "tape", how am I ever going to reach 
> the 100% threshold (would seem I would always be short by a few GBs)???
> Perhaps I should go back to a stripped holding disk and carve out multiple 
> holding disks inside that and essentially oversubscribe the strip a bit, for 
> example:
> Stripe (drive1, drive2, drive3) - 6TB total
>  /hold/hold1 - config in amanda as 2.1TB
>  /hold/hold2 - 2.1TB
>  /hold/hold3 - 2.1TB
>  /hold/hold4 - 2.1TB
> ...or something like that...not sure if I can get away with oversubscribing 
> the Stripe that much...if not I think 4 2TB drives would work fine.
> This would allow any holding disk to easily grow to 2.0TB and thus fill a 2TB 
> (or 1.5TB) "tape" fully...yes/no?
> Jean-Louis

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