Am 16.05.2011 17:49, schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:
> Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>> Does amrestore decrypt on the fly when it reads from tape?
> It does decrypt unless you specified the '-r' argument.

So I could test it by temporarily moving the am_passphrase away, it
should "crash" then.

> Are they clear text on tape or once restored? it's not the same
> thing. Use dd or 'amrestore -r' if you want to see want is on tape.

I configured my test-DLE to encrypt and did an

amdump <conf> -o tapedev="" -o tpchanger="" <host> <mydle>

to only write the dump to the holdingdisk.

As far as I understand it should be encrypted there as well?

But I can list its content with a simple "tar -tvf" although its header

program /usr/local/bin/amgtar crypt enc server_encrypt
/usr/local/sbin/amcrypt server_decrypt_option -d



I feel a bit scared now.

Maybe I should test with tape now?

Thanks, Jean-Louis

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