Jon LaBadie wrote at 18:49 -0400 on Jul 15, 2011:
 > On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 05:08:24PM -0400, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
 > > Thanks, Brian. So, basically, the upgrade in general is pretty 
 > > straightforward.
 > > 
 > > The key point, though, is that I am promoting an important Amanda
 > > client to be the new Amanda server. During that process, there may
 > > be a period of time when the old server (running 2.5.1p3) will be
 > > talking to this important client that has been updated to 3.3.0, but
 > > not yet taken over as server. I don't want to miss backing it up
 > > during that time.
 > > 
 > > So, briefly, will a 2.5.1p3 server have trouble with a 3.3.0 client
 > > (just until I get things completely swapped around)?
 > I could fall back on the claim "amanda is generally compatible with
 > old releases", but that is not a lot of comfort without specific
 > experience.  You may not need to run that gamut if you can briefly
 > run your backups with two servers.
 > Upgrade your new server (NS), comment it out of the disklist of the
 > old server (OS).  Let NS back itself up as a client.
 > Upgrade one or a few of the other OS clients and make them clients
 > of NS.  Eventually all OS will be backing up is itself and you
 > will have lots of experience upgrading clients and adding to NS.
 > That is when you finally do OS and again have a single server.

I'll add that I usually configure amanda with
--prefix=/some/place/amanda-<ver> so I can have multiple versions of
amanda around at the same time (and accessible via shared NFS).  That
way it's easy to try different versions and still be able to go back
(and forth).

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